Migration Board.

The Swedish Migration Board

The Swedish Migration Board is a Swedish governmental administrative , operating under the Ministry of Justice . EPA is Sweden's central immigration authorities and is responsible for the operational areas of asylum , visit and residence, and citizenship .


National Immigration Board was established in 1969, when three companies merged into one, state issues from the then Immigration Commission, citizenship questions from the Justice Department and what was then called the adaptation concerns from the Working Group on Immigration at the Home Office
The reason for the three businesses were brought under a single authority was that it was then considered important to bring together immigration-rules that specify which foreigners allowed to visit or settle in Sweden - and immigration policy. With immigration policy meant it was done to those who received a residence permit in Sweden would come into the community, such as an interpreter, Swedish tuition, support for immigrant organizations, etc.
Migration Board during the year 2007 took a decision in about 54 000 persons case involving extension. The largest group is people who want to come to Sweden because they are related to someone they lived together in the past. The proportion granted a residence permit because of ties is high, about 70%.
In 2009, 24 194 asylum seekers to Sweden, of which 2,250 belonged to the group of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children . [2] In 2009 was given approval to 27 per cent of asylum applications. [3]
Migration Board are often criticized for long delays, both for applicants and from persons who sought residence by association.Processing times have in recent years gone down. 2012, the average processing time for asylum seekers 3.5 months, from 2009 to have been upwards of 9 months. In the case related immigration processing times in 2010 between eight and nine months, even in the simplest cases.
2007 appeal over 8,000 people their cases to immigration court .



  • visa (permission) for short visits
  • permission to settle in Sweden
  • asylum process , from application to permit or return (including storage)
  • Citizenship
  • the selection of quota refugees to Sweden
  • support for repatriation
  • international work in the EU , UNHCR and other cooperative bodies
  • to sign an agreement with Sweden's municipalities introduction places the immigrants who obtained a residence permit, which was formerly part of the Integration Office tasks.
  • that all relevant authorities work together in the best way.

Interested parties.

Interested parties 

  • Swedish embassies and consulates abroad, receiving applications for visit visas, work and residence permits
  • Police, who are responsible for border control and which also ensures that those who refuse to be expelled leaving the country
  • Migration Court and migration across the court in Stockholm , hearing the Migration Board's decision if an applicant appeals
  • county administrative boards have taken over parts of the Integration Office earlier tasks, namely to negotiate with municipalities regarding initiation sites
  • NGOs and donor agencies, including support refugees with residence permits in Sweden but who still want to try to return to their homeland

Administration's budget 

Administration's budget would cover the cost of including asylum and licensing, the asylum seeker reception and examination of Swedish citizenship.
For the financial year 2009, the Migration Board a grant of 2.12 billion. [4]

Migration of Statutes 

Migration Board's list of regulations issued by the Swedish Migration Board and formerly the Board of Immigration .

Director Generals 

Legal and country information 

Migration Board's database Lifos contains legal and country information .

Criticism and review 


In the summer of 2003 revealed a corruption scandal involving two officers in Norrköping were discovered to sell Swedish citizenship. In September 2004, initiated an investigation to see whether they fraudulently granted citizenship can be withdrawn.


Migration Board was in the summer of 2004 including in the media vehemently criticized for inefficiency. A number of investigations started, among other things, to look at the reason for a number of cases of apathetic children , to see what could be done to shorten processing times and more.
In particular the Daily News told how a unit manager at the Swedish Migration Board in southern Sweden, on 4 March 2004, called his staff to birthday cake for that single mother and her three sick children expelled from Sweden. In the invitational e-mail to the party was "Yesterday effected (three administrator's name) our troublesome woman in East Göinge . Celebrating with cake and desire while her and her children all the best in their home country ". General Janna Valik commented event "These formulations are not compatible with the values ​​that we have in our work., it is a tough job that we have, but it does not mean that we can behave or express ourselves in a wrong way. " unit manager was removed from his post since the email came to the attention of management .


One problem that generally characterizes the work is long processing times. For an application for Swedish citizenship had to wait 2005 for two years after submitting application form and fee (1500 SEK). The application for a residence permit for family reasons, for example when you want to move in with her in Sweden, the wife or husband, you had to wait up to 14 months, where the biggest bottleneck was the obligatory interview Migration Board makes the living in Sweden Party. During the waiting period, the foreign partner is also not visit Sweden without need outside the Schengen area.
Per Lilja, Immigration Service, has been commissioned by the Government conducted the investigation efficient handling of related matters (SOU 2005:14) , ended 11 March 2005 . He proposes various amendments, including the ability to refrain from conducting interviews.
2008, the processing time for citizenship cases reduced to two months and for the residence permit based on family reunification to 5.5 months.


During the summer of 2007 was immigration office criticism from, among others, politicians , interest groups and international lawyersafter guiding the decision that "there was no armed conflict in Iraq . " Migration Board based its decision on three judgments of the Migration Court , one of which concerned the deportation of a convicted criminal Iraqis to Baghdad area. Migration Board related the concept of armed conflict, the situation in Iraq as the basis for his decision, but was criticized because the question of where the border into armed conflict goes is debatable. The decision made ​​it more difficult to gain asylum in Sweden for Iraqis who wanted to settle in Sweden. In 2007 as a whole was 97 per cent of asylum seekers Iraqis permission to stay in Sweden. [5] Migration Court has however by majority decisions given the Migration Board right - in the legal sense is no armed conflict in Iraq (see MIG 2007:9 , a decision that maintained in particular MIG 2007:30 ). Critics had thus, in the legal sense, wrong.


2009 the Migration Board, together with the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, a review and analysis of the legal quality of the Agency's asylum request. The review resulted in a report in autumn 2011, which concluded that Sweden's asylum system is legally secure and one of the best system, although according to UNHCR, there were opportunities for improvement.

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